An Introduction to hoardeR

This vignette is outdated and needs some updates!


The installation of hoardeR is straight forward. It is located on Cran and can be installed from within R with the command


There are no special system requirements for the installation when the package runs on a Linux computer. To handle gz files on Windows, the command ‘gzip’ is used from the console and needs to be available (what should normally be the case). There are a few package dependencies that have to be fulfilled. Normally these dependencies are installed automatically, too. If not, missing Cran packages need to be installed prior to the installation as above, with


and missing Bioconductor packages (e.g. the package Biostrings) with


If during the first installation the Bioconductor are not installed, they can be installed all together by typingwith

biocLite(c('Biostrings', 'GenomicRanges', 'bamsignals', 'IRanges', 'Rsamtools', 'snpStats'))

The latest developer version, of hoardeR is located on GitHub, here

and the address on Cran with the latest stable release version is

A webpage for the latest news on hoardeR can be found here:

Packages from GitHub can be installed directly from R, using the devtools package. To install the latest developer version of hoardeR from GitHub, run the following commands


Once the package is installed, it can be loaded into the namespace


Using hoardeR for identifying cross-species orthologs of novel candidate genes

Typical workflow prior the use of hoardeR

The common application of hoardeR is to search cross-species orthologs of unannotated, but active regions in a present organism. For that typically an RNA-seq experiment has been conducted, the reads have been mapped to a reference genome and gene expressions have been estimated using some annotation.

Further, reads from non-annotated regions have been analysed and a set of novel gene candidate regions has been identified. This can be done either across the whole data set or individually for each sample.

From this analysis the user has either a gtf file with novel loci (e.g. Cufflinks provides this), or then a bed file with the new loci.

The first rows of a typical gtf file would like this:

1       Cufflinks       exon    242203  242862  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000002"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.2.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS2";
1       Cufflinks       exon    242203  242646  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.1.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS2";
1       Cufflinks       exon    254559  256717  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000003"; exon_number "2"; oId "CUFF.1.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS2";
1       Cufflinks       exon    254240  256717  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000002"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000004"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.3.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS3";
1       Cufflinks       exon    341982  343630  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000003"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000005"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.10.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS4";
1       Cufflinks       exon    342113  342607  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000003"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.11.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS5";
1       Cufflinks       exon    342961  343494  .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000003"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000006"; exon_number "2"; oId "CUFF.11.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS5";
1       Cufflinks       exon    3312599 3313720 .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000024"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000073"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.75.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS37";
1       Cufflinks       exon    3446776 3447142 .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000024"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000073"; exon_number "2"; oId "CUFF.75.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS37";
1       Cufflinks       exon    9347375 9347527 .       +       .       gene_id "XLOC_000047"; transcript_id "TCONS_00000118"; exon_number "1"; oId "CUFF.115.1"; class_code "u"; tss_id "TSS63";

The first lines of a bed file containing the same information would look like this (tab-separated):

1       242203      242862      XLOC_000002.1
1       242203      242646      XLOC_000002.2
1       254559      256717      XLOC_000002.3
1       254240      256717      XLOC_000002.4
1       341982      343630      XLOC_000003.1
1       342113      342607      XLOC_000003.2
1       342961      343494      XLOC_000003.3
1       3312599     3313720     XLOC_000024.1
1       3446776     3447142     XLOC_000024.2
1       9347375     9347527     XLOC_000047.1

For the identification of cross-species orthologs, the exon structure is not the primary interest. Rather, the whole genomic region that hosts a novel candidate gene is used here. Typically not all novel gene candidates are considered and the list is filtered according to some criteria e.g., that a certain amount of samples have to have a minimum number of reads in that region.

The final set of regions of interest is then available in bed format, e.g. like this

1       242203      256717      XLOC_000002
1       341982      343630      XLOC_000003
1       3312599     3447142     XLOC_000024
1       9347375     9347527     XLOC_000047

Extraction of nucleotide sequence of novel candidate region

For any loci of interest the nucleotide sequences have to be extracted. There are two ways to do that. The first option is to do it outside of R using e.g., bedtools. If the candidate regions have been determined within R, the bed file has to be saved to the harddrive first. Assuming a data frame that contains the bed information is called novelBed and we have a defined system path to the project, called projFolder. The command that can be used to export the data table in bed format is exportBed(). The exportBed function is a simple wrapper around the standard write.table that uses the corrected setting to meet the requirements of a bed file.

The function expects as first argument the data frame that contains the information and then the place to where the bed file should be stored. Further, the option header is available (logical), that determines if the first line should contain the variable names or not, as some applications require a header line in the bed file. Example commands to export the data frame novelBed are

# Write the bed file into the working directory
  exportBed(novelBed, file = "novel.bed")

# Alternative: Use a variable to define the right folder
  projFolder <- "/home/daniel/MyProjects/hoardeR-Example"
  exportBed(novelBed, file = file.path(projFolder, "novel.bed"))

In the console this bed file can then be used to extract the fasta files, using the bedtools program like this

<!-- bedtools getfasta -fi <input FASTA> -bed novel.bed -fo novel.fa -->

Here, <input FASTA> is a fasta file that contains the genome information of the species under investigation. If the output file novel.fa is empty or some other errors occur, a common source of error is a mislabeling of the chromosomes between the input fasta file and the corresponding bed file (e.g. leading CHR, Chr, etc.). Extracting the sequences in such a way is especially then adviceable, when the species of interest is rare or the fasta file is not available from NCBI in the latest version. Also if many sequences should be extracted, bedtools is faster then the implemented R function.

However, if the species and also the genome assembly version is available from NCBI, the fasta information can be obtained straight with the hoardeR function getFastaFromBed. The hoardeR package is able to directly download the genomes and annotations of the most common species, a list of available combinations can be found in the species dataset, that comes with hoardeR

          Organism.Name      Organism.Common.Name  Taxid Assembly.Name Assembly.Accession
1  Acanthisitta chloris                  rifleman  57068    ASM69581v1    GCF_000695815.1
2      Acinonyx jubatus                   cheetah  32536       aciJub1    GCF_001443585.1
3 Acromyrmex echinatior Panamanian leafcutter ant 103372      Aech_3.9    GCF_000204515.1
4   Acropora digitifera                        NA  70779      Adig_1.1    GCF_000222465.1
5   Acyrthosiphon pisum                 pea aphid   7029      Acyr_2.0    GCF_000142985.2
6   Agrilus planipennis         emerald ash borer 224129      Apla_1.0    GCF_000699045.1

Of particular interest are here the columns Organism.Name and Assembly.Name. If your species of interest and your used assembly matches with the information in the species table, you can use the automatic hoardeR function getFastaFromBed with the default settings to obtain your fasta object. As an example, assume that our species of interest is Cattle (that has the scientific name bos taurus) and the fasta files should be downloaded to the folder /home/daniel/fasta/. To check the available entries in the species table, we can use the function findSpecies to get specific rows in species. The function expects just one string and extracts then from the species object all rows that contain the string (also substrings are possible) in any of its cells. Hence, this function can be used to find common names, scientific names or also assembly IDs.

   Organism.Name Organism.Common.Name Taxid        Assembly.Name Assembly.Accession                                                          Assembly.Submitter    Assembly.Data Assembly.Type                Annotation.Release.Name Annotation.Release.Date                                                 Annotation.Report                                       NCBI.Url
45    Bos taurus               cattle  9913 Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1    GCF_000003055.6 Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, University of Maryland 25 November 2014       Haploid NCBI Bos taurus Annotation Release 105         26 January 2016

This means, by default hoardeR uses the Cow assembly UMD_3.1.1 if nothing else is specified.

In its most basic usage, the getFastaFromBed function expects a data table (parameter bed), a species identifier (parameter species) and a folder where it finds the fasta files or to where it can save them (parameter fastaFolder). The function first checks from the provided folder if the required fasta files are available, and if not it will download the corresponding files from the NCBI ftp server. The output of the function is then an object of class fa.

A basic minimal example of the usage of the function:

The content of myFasta looks then like this


[1] "cccaagaagcaggaatgagagtggcgctttttctgccccaggtaacggtc..."

[1] "aggagatttgcctgcgaaacctctggttctcttagagcttccattcccgt..."

Fasta sequences ommited to print: 1

To see a summary of the fa object, the S3 class function summary is available


Summary of fa object
Sequences      : 3 
Minimum length : 601 
1st quartile   : 613 
Median length  : 625 
Average length : 631 
3rd quartile   : 646 
Maximum length : 667 

The function getFastaFromBed has more options and it is also possible to use own fasta files with it. For that, the species needs to be listed in the species data table and the fasta files need to be located in the fastaFolder. The naming has to follow the convention as set from NCBI. If an own assembly is specified hoardeR tells the filename under which it searches then the corresponding fasta file. For that, just provide an assembly identifier like this:

myFasta2 <- getFastaFromBed(novelBed, species = "Bos taurus", assembly="UMD_3.1",
                           fastaFolder = "/home/daniel/fasta/")

The internal function is especially useful for small bed files or fast testing purposes. Also, to the best of our knowledge, bedtools is not available for Windows systems. The getFastaFromBed function is currently under development to improve its performance especially for larger bed files and also to get access to the corresponding assembly archive at NCBI.

It is also possible to write out a fasta file while creating the fa object. For that, a folder location (option export and a filename (option fileName) needs to be specified

myFasta <- getFastaFromBed(novelBed, species = "Ovis aries",  
                           fastaFolder = "/home/daniel/fasta/",
                           export = "/home/daniel/fasta", 

To export an existing fa object from R to the harddrive, the function exportFA can be used. It just needs the fa object itself and also the filename to store it.

exportFA(myFasta, file="/home/daniel/myFasta.fa")

A previously stored or downloaded fasta file can be imported to hoardeR with the importFA() function:

novelFA <- importFA(file="/home/daniel/myFasta.fa")

The names of the fasta sequences should follow the form like


That means, for a sequence from chromosome 12 that starts at 123 and ends at 456 the fasta sequence should be named like the following.


Currently this function should only be used for smaller fasta files like candidate sequences, but not for whole chromosomes. For that, the function Rsamtools::scanFa is recommended.

Sending sequences to NCBI

Once the fasta object is available in R, it can be send to the NCBI blast service, using the central hoardeR function blastSeq()

           email="[email protected]",

The main parameters are the fa object that contains the sequences to be blasted (here called novelFA) and for etiquette reasons a valid email address of the person who sends the data to NCBI. Further, it is possible to define a folder name and location for the xml and log files on the harddrive. If the folder does not exist on the HDD, hoardeR will create it. If no logFolder is provided, it will automatically be created as a subfolder of xmlFolder and is called logs. If also no xmlFolder is provided, then hoardeR creates in the working directory a new project folder called hoardeR followed by a timestamp.

The xmlFolder stores the results that are delivered from NCBI in xml format and the logFolder stores the log files. These files are especially then important, when the run crashes and should be continued or if the computer is switched off in between. During the time the computer is switched off, obviously no new sequences are sent anymore to NCBI.

If a crashed run should be continued, it is enough to run the same command as the initially one using the same fasta object and hoardeR will continue from the point, where it crashed or where it was interrupted. In case that during the previous commands no xmlFolder was specified and hoardeR created it automatically, the xmlFolder needs to be specified accordingly to continue from it.

If the option verbose=TRUE is set (default), hoardeR keeps reporting status updates of the blast runs. There are still some fine-tuning parameters available, see the manual for details. However, there are some etiquette parameters of NCBI that cannot be changed to smaller values than the defaults. These are e.g. the frequency of the requests and the total amount of parallel blast runs.

The verbose output of a blastSeq runs straight after executing the command looks as follows

Missing: 3 
Running: 1 
Finished: 0 
Avg. Blast Time: NA 
Total running time: 00:00:04 

indicating e.g. that here are still three fasta sequences waiting to be finished, one sequence is already running at NCBI, zero are finished so far and the running time of the whole run is 4 seconds. After a while (option delay_rid), blastSeq starts to check, if the active blast runs are finalized. If there are still free blast slots available (maximum number is defined via n_blast option), blastSeq spawns the next ones. In that case, the verbose output looks like this:

Run RW99J31C01R : 00:02:23 
Missing: 1 
Running: 1 
Finished: 2 
Avg. Blast Time: 00:01:10 
Total running time: 00:02:40 

Here, we see that there is still one sequence missing and its sequence was already sent, as indicated by the fact that there is also one sequence running. The ID number of that run is RW99J31C01R and it is active since 2 minutes and 23 seconds. So far, two sequence runs are finished and their average running time was 1 minute and 10 seconds.

The function stops, when there are neither missing nor running sequences anymore. The results of the run are stored in the xmlFolder. These results can already be analyzed while the blastSeq run is still active, so intermediate results can be obtained on the fly. For that, just open another instance of R and continue to analyze the Blast results.

Analyze the Blast Results

To analyze the blast results, first the xml files have to be imported to hoardeR. For that there is the importXML() function. It expects the folder address where the xml files are stored, in our example it is the hoardeROut folder in the projFolder folder. The output of the function is then stored in the xmls object.

xmls <- importXML(folder=file.path(projFolder,"hoardeROut/"))

One of the first steps is to check what hit organisms were found. As naturally all sequences are also found in Bos Taurus/Cow, the host organism can be excluded from the table with the exclude option.

tableSpecies(xmls, exclude="Bos taurus")

This table can be displayed as barplot e.g. in the following way


or with some formatting, in case more bars are to be plotted (as it is common, if many sequences were sent)

barplot(sort(tableSpecies(xmls, exclude="Bos taurus"), decreasing=TRUE), las=2)

The function can also summarize all hits in a certain hit organism. For example, all hits in Pig/Sus scrofa should be printed. For that, the xml results will be first filtered accordingly. This time, however, a species is not excluded with the exclude option, but explicitely defined with the species parameter. Further, instead of just counting the occurances, we request in addition the location information by setting locations=TRUE:

tableSpecies(xmls, species="Sus scrofa", locations = TRUE)
                                            Organism hitID hitLen hitChr  hitStart    hitEnd origChr origStart  origEnd
15 Sus scrofa breed mixed chromosome 13, Sscrofa10.2   542    610     13 152539332 152538724       1  62550672 62551296

without the locations=TRUE option, the output is very minimalistic, as it just gives the frequencies:

R> tableSpecies(xmls)
Bos taurus Equus caballus     Sus scrofa     Ovis aries 
         6              1              1              3 

Especially when a single species is defined, without setting locations=TRUE the function just gives the frequency.

R> tableSpecies(xmls, species="Sus scrofa")
Sus scrofa 

The column Organism indicates the hit organism and the corresponding assembly. In this case it is Sus scrofa and Sscrofa10.2. Cross-checking with the species data table using the findSpecies() function reveals, that this assembly is the default assembly at NCBI:

findSpecies("Sus scrofa") 
    Organism.Name Organism.Common.Name Taxid Assembly.Name Assembly.Accession                            Assembly.Submitter    Assembly.Data  ...
317    Sus scrofa                  pig  9823   Sscrofa10.2    GCF_000003025.5 The Swine Genome Sequencing Consortium (SGSC) 7 September 2011  ...

That means that the assembly can be obtained automatically from `hoardeR` for further analysis without using any additional parameters. The command `getAnnotation` downloads automatically the corresponding annotation into a folder specified in `annotationFolder` (here: `/home/daniel/annotation`). Again, if nothing is specified (`annotationFolder=NULL`, default), the working directory is used intead. 
ssannot <- getAnnotation(species = "Sus scrofa", 
+                        annotationFolder="/home/daniel/annotation")

Having the annotation information available from NCBI, we can intersect the Blast results with the annotation. First we check if the found loci intersect with an intergenic region in the Sus scrofa genome. Here, we assume that more than one hit was found and results would be stored in a list

pigHits <- tableSpecies(xmls, species="Sus scrofa", locations = TRUE)
pigInter <- intersectXMLAnnot(pigHits, ssannot)

However, unfortunately there is no intersection:


Empty data.table (0 rows) of 15 cols: V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6...

Hence, we allow for a larger seach area and add flanking sites of 1000kB to each side of the search area (that means, 1000kB is added to each side of the annotated regions), using the option flanking=1000 in the intersectXMLAnnot() function:

pigInter.flank <- intersectXMLAnnot(pigHits, ssannot, flanking=1000)

This results in an intersection:


   V1      V2   V3        V4        V5 V6 V7 V8
1: 13 ensembl gene 153238002 153238055  .  -  .
                                                                                                                   V9 origChr origStart  origEnd hitChr
1: gene_id "ENSSSCG00000019624"; gene_version "1"; gene_name "SNORD12"; gene_source "ensembl"; gene_biotype "snoRNA";       1  62550672 62551296     13
    hitStart    hitEnd
1: 152539332 152538724

The intersections contains first the annotation information as provided by the annotation file and then in addition the location of the hit in the host organism (origChr, origStart, origEnd) and in the hit organism (hitChr, hitStart, hitEnd).

Visualize the intersected Blast results

In order to visualize the results the plotHit function can be used. In its basic usage, it only plots the similarity between the original and the hit organism like this:

R>        plotHit(
+             hits=pigInter.flank,
+             flanking=100,
+             diagonal=0.25 ,
+             hitSpecies = "Sus scrofa",
+             origSpecies = "Bos taurus",
+             fastaFolder = "/home/ejo138/fasta/",
            # The following options are optional
+             window=NULL , 
+             which=NULL,
+             figureFolder = "/home/daniel/figures/",
+             figurePrefix = "pigInter"
+             ) 

The parameters are then as follows. The option hits expects the data.frame from above with the intersected hits. If hits receives a data.frame with more than one row (i.e. several hits were found) a figureFolder should be provided, as for each hit a separate plot will be created. For example, with the above optional parameters a figure for each hit will be created in the folder /home/daniel/figures/, using the prefix pigInter. However, if only a single figure should be created, without storing it directly to the hard drive, one would drop the figureFolder and figurePrefix parameters (they are NULL by default) and instead specify in the which option, which hit should be plotted. An alternative would be to restrict the matrix given to the hits option, e.g. for seeing the first hit only, one would use the option hits=pigInter.flank[1,].

The other required options control the behavior of the plot. The flanking option defines the plotting area around the hit in Mb and the diagonal option is a threshold for the minimum similarity after that a similarity line should be plotted. As higher that value (between 0 and 1) as more restrictive it is and as less similarity lines will be used in the plot. The two parameters hitSpecies and origSpecies define the two organisms that should be compared. In our case the original organism was Bos taurus/cow and the hit was Sus scrofa/pig. The location of the corresponding fasta files (or to where they should be stored), is defined in the fastaFolder option. Again, if the assembly is the same as in the species dataset, the fasta files will be automatically fetched from the NCBI page. In case a tailored assembly is required, it can be specified with additional options, see the manual or a later example for further instructions on that.

The similarity is calculated using a shifting window approach. That means, the plotting area is divided into chunks of a certain length, defined with the window option. By default that window has the similar length as the hit-sequence has, but an own value can be defined in the window option. Our function then tests all pairwise combinations between the chunks of the original organism and the hit organism, calculates the similarity between them and stores the best result. That way, each chunk/window of the original organism gets assigned a chunk from the hit organism. Only those combinations are then considered further, that are at least having a similarity value as defined in diagonal.

With that, the figure for the cow/pig similarity would look like this:

Similarity between Pig and Cow
Similarity between Pig and Cow

On the top part of the plot the annotation of Bos taurus is plotted, on the bottom part the one of Sus scrofa, followed by the axes of the chromosomal regions. The vertical center line indicates the hit, further highlighted with the black spots on the chromosomal regions. It appears that this region is rather similar, although in the case of Bos taurus it seems that the genomic region is a bit stretched, as the lines are not parallel but open up towards the Bos taurus side. Also, it seems that the identified gene in the flanking region corresponds to an already annotated gene in Bos taurus.

The plotHit function can add also a coverage track to the plot. In that case, a folder with bam files needs to be specified. Different groups for different colors, as e.g., in case/control study common, can also be added. The extended command for these options is then e.g.:

+             hits=pigInter.flank,
+             flanking=100,
+             diagonal=0.25 ,
+             hitSpecies = "Sus scrofa",
+             origSpecies = "Bos taurus",
+             origAnnot=btannot,
+             hitAnnot=ssannot,
+             fastaFolder = "/home/daniel/fasta/",
+             figureFolder = "/home/daniel/figures/",
+             figurePrefix = "pigInter",
+             coverage=TRUE,
+             bamFolder = "/home/daniel/bams/",
+             groupIndex = c(1,1,2,2,1,2),
+             groupColor = c("blue", "red"))

In addition to the basic call, we request here the annotation tracks, by specifying the annotation objects as import previously (btannot and ssannot). Further, we request a coverage track (coverage=TRUE) and specify a folder where the function finds the bam-files. The groupIndex specifies then the groups for the files (which needs to be in the same, lexicographical order, plotHit reports the groups classes for each file then for double checking) and then the color for each group. The figure would look then like this.

Similarity between Pig and Cow, with added coverage and annotation
Similarity between Pig and Cow, with added coverage and annotation

Example use-cases

Running hoardeR with the NCBI default annotations

# Load the package

# Define the project folder
  projFolder <- "/home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/"

# Set the working directory accordingly

# Create some fake coordiantes in bed format
  novelBed <- data.frame(Chr = c(4,11),
                         Start = c(104591617,72554673),
                         End = c(104591916,72555273),
                         Gene = c("LOC1", "LOC2"))

# Print the data  

#  Chr     Start       End Gene
#1   4 104591671 104591916 LOC1
#2  11  72554673  72555273 LOC2

# Get the fasta sequence for this
  myFasta <- getFastaFromBed(novelBed, species="Sus scrofa")

#  No directory with fasta files given! Use the working directory: 
#    /home/daniel/hordeR-Example
#  Using species assembly: Sscrofa10.2 
#  Local file not found! Try to download fasta file:  ssc_ref_Sscrofa10.2_chr4.fa.gz 
#  Read fasta file:  /home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/ssc_ref_Sscrofa10.2_chr4.fa.gz 
#  Local file not found! Try to download fasta file:  ssc_ref_Sscrofa10.2_chr11.fa.gz 
#  Read fasta file:  /home/daniel/hoadeR-Example/ssc_ref_Sscrofa10.2_chr11.fa.gz    

# Blast the sequences
  myBlastRes <- blastSeq(myFasta, email="[email protected]")

# Create/use log folder: [email protected]/logs
# Missing: 2 
# Running: 1 
# Finished: 0 
# Avg. Blast Time: NA 
# Total running time: 00:00:04 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Missing: 2 
# Running: 2 
# Finished: 0 
# Avg. Blast Time: NA 
# Total running time: 00:00:08 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Run Z779DC03014 : 00:00:06 
# Run Z779H9KF014 : 00:00:07 
# Missing: 2 
# Running: 2 
# Finished: 0 
# Avg. Blast Time: NA 
# Total running time: 00:00:19 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Run Z779H9KF014 : 00:02:28 
# Missing: 1 
# Running: 1 
# Finished: 1 
# Avg. Blast Time: 00:02:27 
# Total running time: 00:02:39 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Missing: 0 
# Running: 0 
# Finished: 2 
# Avg. Blast Time: 00:03:21 
# Total running time: 00:03:50 
# ---------------------------------------------------------------

# Import the XML
  xmls <- importXML(folder="/home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/[email protected]")

# Table the species

#  Bos taurus   Capra hircus Equus caballus     Ovis aries     Sus scrofa 
#  2              2              1              1              1 

# This means, we have a couple of good hits in other species: Horse, Pig and Sheep
# Lets consider the cow hits first:
  cowHits <- tableSpecies(xmls, species = "Bos taurus", locations=TRUE)

#                                                                                               Organism hitID hitLen hitChr hitStart   hitEnd origChr origStart
# 8 Bos taurus breed Hereford chromosome 3, alternate assembly Btau_5.0.1, whole genome shotgun sequence   280    298      3 16657347 16657644       4 104591617
# 9          Bos taurus breed Hereford chromosome 3, Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1, whole genome shotgun sequence   280    298      3 16500510 16500807       4 104591617
#     origEnd
# 8 104591916
# 9 104591916

# Here we see that there is one match in cow on Chromosome 3 with the Pig Chromosome 4 search area.
# Further we can see that one Hit assembly version is UMD_3.1.1 and the other Btau_5.0.1
# We check if this assemble is the default in hoardeR

findSpecies("Bos taurus")

#    Organism.Name Organism.Common.Name Taxid        Assembly.Name Assembly.Accession
# 45    Bos taurus               cattle  9913 Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1    GCF_000003055.6

# The 'Ensembl.Assembly' matches, so we can use the default paramters.

# First, get the required annotations
  ssannot <- getAnnotation(species = "Sus scrofa")
#  No assembly version provided, use the default: Sscrofa10.2 
#  No directory with annotations files given! Use the working directory: 
#    /home/daniel/hoardeR-Example
#  Check if file  /home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/ref_Sscrofa10.2_top_level.gff3.gz  exists ... 
#  ... file wasn't found. Try to download it from NCBI ftp server.
#  ... found!
#  Check if file  /home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/chr_accessions_Sscrofa10.2  exists ... 
#  ... file wasn't found. Try to download it from NCBI ftp server.
#  ... found!
#  Read 1184334 rows and 1 (of 1) columns from 0.288 GB file in 00:00:03

  btannot <- getAnnotation(species = "Bos taurus")
#  No assembly version provided, use the default: Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1 
#  No directory with annotations files given! Use the working directory: 
#    /home/hoardeR-Example 
#  Check if file  /home/hoardeR-Example/ref_Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1_top_level.gff3.gz  exists ... 
#  ... file wasn't found. Try to download it from NCBI ftp server.
#  ... found!
#  Check if file  /home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/chr_accessions_Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1  exists ... 
#  ... file wasn't found. Try to download it from NCBI ftp server.
#  ... found!
#  Read 1372833 rows and 1 (of 1) columns from 0.349 GB file in 00:00:04

# Now intersect the horse annotation with the matches
  cattleInter <- intersectXMLAnnot(cowHits, btannot)

# Empty data.table (0 rows) of 15 cols: V1,V2,V3,V4,V5,V6...

# No matches were found (=no intergenic hits), so we extend the search area with flanking
# sites of 20Mb

cattleInter.flank <- intersectXMLAnnot(cowHits, btannot, flanking=20)

#    V1         V2   V3       V4       V5 V6 V7 V8  ...
# 1:  3     Gnomon gene 16481126 16481718  .  +  .  ...
# 2:  3     Gnomon gene 16498496 16499120  .  -  .  ...
# 3:  3 BestRefSeq gene 16503991 16507247  .  -  .  ...
# 4:  3     Gnomon gene 16507420 16507918  .  -  .  ...
# 5:  3 BestRefSeq gene 16511100 16515182  .  +  .  ...

# Here we could find some matches, we are going to visualize it.

# For example, we are interested in hit number 3 and we want to plot the anotation tracks
# of the hit and the original:
          hitSpecies="Bos taurus",
          origSpecies="Sus scrofa",

# If Figure for the 2nd and third should be created and they should be written to the HDD,
# the command is as follows
          hitSpecies="Bos taurus",
          origSpecies="Sus scrofa",

# If in addition a coverage should be plotted, the command is as follows. The additional
# option 'bamFolder' is expected to contain sorted bam files that are used for the
# coverage plot. Further, the coverage curves can be splitted to several curves.
# In that case the index needs to be provided and the corresponding color.
          hitSpecies="Bos taurus",
          origSpecies="Sus scrofa",

Running hoardeR with the NCBI non-default annotations

First, the same steps as in the previous case hold, but this time, we do not use the UMD3.1.1 assembly, but the Btau5.0.1.

# Import the XML
  xmls <- importXML(folder="/home/daniel/hoardeR-Example/[email protected]")

# Table the species

#  Bos taurus   Capra hircus Equus caballus     Ovis aries     Sus scrofa 
#  2              2              1              1              1 

# This means, we have a couple of good hits in other species: Horse, Pig and Sheep
# Lets consider the cow hits first:
  cowHits <- tableSpecies(xmls, species = "Bos taurus", locations=TRUE)

#                                                                                               Organism hitID hitLen hitChr hitStart   hitEnd origChr origStart
# 8 Bos taurus breed Hereford chromosome 3, alternate assembly Btau_5.0.1, whole genome shotgun sequence   280    298      3 16657347 16657644       4 104591617
# 9          Bos taurus breed Hereford chromosome 3, Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1, whole genome shotgun sequence   280    298      3 16500510 16500807       4 104591617
#     origEnd
# 8 104591916
# 9 104591916

# Here we see that there is one match in cow on Chromosome 3 with the Pig Chromosome 4
# search area. Further we can see that one Hit assembly version is UMD_3.1.1 and the
# other Btau_5.0.1. We check if this assemble is the default in hoardeR

findSpecies("Bos taurus")

#    Organism.Name Organism.Common.Name Taxid        Assembly.Name Assembly.Accession
# 45    Bos taurus               cattle  9913 Bos_taurus_UMD_3.1.1    GCF_000003055.6

# We are interested in the Btau5.0.1 assembly, so we cannot use the default options for
# hoardeR. We see that the hit is on Chromosome 3, so we need the corresponding
# chromosome fasta and also the assembly.

# Both can be downloaded from NCBI here:

# Then we import the annotation:

btannot5.0.1 <- getAnnotation(species = "Bos taurus", assembly = "Btau_5.0.1", 
+                             annotationFolder="/home/ejo138/tmp")

# Here we get the error:
# check if file  /home/daniel/hoardeR_Example/ref_Btau_5.0.1_top_level.gff3.gz  exists ... 
# ... file wasn't found. Try to download it from NCBI ftp server.

#That means, the downloaded file is wrongly named, so we rename it to 
# ref_Btau_5.0.1_top_level.gff3.gz

# After renaming to the expected filename, the file was imported and used for the
# intersection (which provided basically the same results as the UMD3.1.1 assembly)

cattleInter.flank <- intersectXMLAnnot(cowHits, btannot5.0.1, flanking=20)

# Again, we want to visualize the 3 finding, this time we specified directly the fasta
# Folder instead of relying on the working directory.

        hitSpecies="Bos taurus",
        hitSpeciesAssembly = "Btau_5.0.1",
        origSpecies="Sus scrofa",

# As the alternative assembly is also in the assembled chromosome folder, hoardeR
# is able to automatically adjust the filename and uses the alternative assembly.

# In case an entire own genome/assembly is used, then the filenames of both, the
# gff and the fasta file need to be adjusted.